Litero Traduções

How to marry a Brazilian

Introduction: Getting Married in Brazil for Canadian Getting married in Brazil as a Canadian can be an significant journey, for those looking to start a life in Brazil. However it’s important to understand the procedures required documents and legal requirements before celebrating this occasion. This comprehensive guide will take you through each step of the […]

The Hague Apostille: Modernizing the International Transfer of Documents and Translations

The Hague Apostille Convention, or simply the Apostille Convention, is an international treaty that simplifies the legalization of documents among its member countries. The convention was signed on October 5, 1961, in The Hague, Netherlands, and became effective in 1965. The primary aim of the convention is to abolish the requirement for multiple steps in the […]

Passo a Passo para um Nubente Brasileiros

Casando-se com um Cidadão dos Estados Unidos no Brasil: Passo a Passo para uma Nubente Brasileira 1. Descobrindo o Cartório Apropriado Antes de mais nada, você precisa saber em qual cartório registrar seu casamento. O site Registro Civil pode ajudar a localizar o cartório mais próximo da sua residência. 2. Documentos Necessários Para o cidadão […]

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